Sport Personality Questionnaire (SPQ20)

Top athletes and their coaches recognize that elite athlete performance requires a combination of mental and physical skills. When an athlete achieves the perfect combination, they are playing in the zone. The SPQ20 sport personality assessment test provides information on your personality and mental skills. The aim is to help you identify and work on any personality and mental factors that may be impeding your performance.

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Work Ethic

We measure personality traits such as work ethic, adaptability, and intuitiveness as well as mental skills such as use of imagery and goal setting.

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Mental Toughness

We measure how well you regulate your feelings and emotions, and whether you are able to get into the zone and stay focused under the stress of competition.

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We look at how an athlete handles himself or herself in their sport and how they interact with their coach, team members, competitors and stakeholders.

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Are you prepared to step up and show leadership setting an example for the rest of the team? Do you know when to play aggressively and when to play safe?

Athlete Feedback Report

Client-focused report providing insights into personality and mental skills. Contents include:

  • introduction explaining what the test measures
  • executive summary
  • detailed description of athlete’s mental toughness indicating what they need to do/how far they need to travel to become a confident achiever
  • assessment of leader/team captain potential
  • scorecards showing standardized scores on 20 facets of personality and mental competence
  • downloadable booklet with practical tips and suggestions for performance improvement

What the Reviews Say
Buros Center for Testing

The SPQ20 promises to be a useful tool for sport psychologists and coaches in advising and working with athletes for the purpose of enhancing athletic performance.

British Psychological Society PTC

The SPQ20 makes a unique contribution to sport and exercise psychology in its emphasis on how personality attributes and mental factors can contribute to performance.

Sport Psychologists and Coaches

The SPQ20 will help you measure an athlete's mental toughness and mental skills and help construct a performance enhancement strategy to improve their mental game. Open an account at our main MySkillsProfile site now!

Open Account

Professional and Amateur Athletes

The SPQ20 will showcase your strengths and help you understand and address any areas of limitation in your mental game. Do the online assessment test now!

Assess My Mental Game

Assessment Service

We’re here to help athletes compete to their 100% theoretical potential. We provide:

a modern assessment reviewed by experts providing a rich picture of an athlete's personality and mental skills

a secure, reliable, easy to use, and customizable platform with an optional private label service

responsive 24/7 email support

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